Monday, January 23, 2012

and the story continues

 Well here i am trying too play catch up this one is long and not sure how well i wrote it but if you hang in there its a big part of our story!!!!Ok so where I...... I was at what day 5? Ok sooo we have seen the heart doc and everything was good there. Pick up Hubby from work..... i was crying he was holding me telling me in his strong way that everything would be ok... So we get home we go too bed i am now giving Timothy formula becuase he wouldnt breast feed still trying but it really wasnt working.. So i feed him we go back too sleep in the middle oif the night he starts "spitting up" but it was odd it had a horrible smell and was green.... so back too the doc the next morning... "its acid reflux" says our doc. and in this same visit the doc said something that just hit me wrong she told me..." he might only be a janitor but he will be the best happiest janitor ever"
yet again "WHAT" this just made me so very upset " thats what the doc sees as my son's my perfect son's future?" so yeah i was back into tears spent that night crying and worring and holding this child as he "spit up" this "acid" so another night goes by... of midnight feeding then cloths changes and changing bedding. It was horrible.... so that was day 6. On day 7 he say an O.T for the first time... she was setting on our couch holding him when it happened..... it looked liek something out of a bad horror movie he "spit up" again but it was a projectial vomit of smell green stuff ALL over this woman..... She gets up and starts cleaning herself up..She asks if we have seen our doc i say "yes".
She calls our doc. "this is not spit up, this is bile, there is something very wrong"
we had a upper Gastro intestial study going for the next morning.... they say too just stick with that.
he keep getting worse.... not holding anything in him.... we rush him 75 miles too a different hospital just for them too end up telling us it was acid..... again!!!!! GRRRRRR
so the next morning we go in for the study.... BINGO they find it...
He had a blockage in his intestiens(sp) so we rush back down too this different hosptial.... we left at around noon by 4pm he was in surgery day 8...... hunny by my side i give my little tiny little guy over too strangers i had never met these docs. and hope and pray they know what they are doing...
the hours past i am not even sure how long we set in the smallest room in that hospital waiting... waiting...
"does it always take this long"
" is something wrong"
"what if......"
god more crying
more of my hubby being my rock and telling me everything was fine they do this all the time
"how does he know?" but i let him convence me
Finally they are done we get too see our perfect son....
he looked so small
so sick
his little tummy had a bandage over the whole thing they let us see it.....
" well at least he will have a tough guy scar" was the only thing i could say without crying....
9 days later we leave the NICU...... all better...... I take my little man back home again.... praying i get 5 mins too just love him and hold him and not freak out over another medical issue....

Well i got it I got a few months before the next issue.......
He got sent home on oxygen....
so for 4 months  on oxygen...
healed great from surgery..
then we start trying too take him off the o2...
everytime we would take him off he turned blue AGAIN...
and again..
and again..
i had takin him with my too a birthday party at a lower allitude and took him off his o2 too check his stats like i was doing for days now.... "wait not blue!!!!" WHAT??? he always turns blue we wait awhile still no blue hum what could this mean...

Within a few weeks we had moved.... found a dirty place in a crappy part of town but he was off the o2... i had found our doc a great doc that new what she was talking about.... our life saver.... this woman has helped us threw soooo much and always been there too help me understand what it going on.

So the months go on.... Six months he starts rolling from side too side
eight months he sets up on his own...
a couple days before his 1st birthday he crawls...
we move back home.. back up away from the big hospital
right after his first birthday the drama started again
Ear infections were normal he had had them alot
but this one was different.... it wasnt going away...
back and forth too the docs every day
nothing after weeks of this ear draining we test it it is an anti-biotic resistant infection MRSA
after we found that out they put in back in the hosptail on a anti botic that had too go staight into a main atrery.... they couldnt get a "normal" PIC line in him so they had too put on straight into the top of his heart.... 5 days go by they send us home on these meds so i had too figure out how too give them too him and remember what i was was doin. let me tell ya this made me crazy ever 6 hrs infussing these meds into him
"I am not a medical trained person, how cant hey just send us home"
"how am I going too do this"
"I can't do this anymore"
i felt like a horrible mother for feeling like i couldnt help him...
I did it.... but the meds werent working the infection had made its way too the bone behind his ear the only thing too do was surgery..... he had already had ear tubes place so i wasnt too freaked out.....
they did it it went fine he started too get better kept the line in just incase
i still had too flush the line so i go too flush it one night about 10pm i feel something wet...
"babe turn on the light...."
"what the F**K is that?"
blood...... his line had broke when i flushed it snapped in half
he was pimping blood out with every heart beat..... "what do I do????"
I grab him hubby grabs the keys..... we take off i call our doc i am talking too the doc tallking too the hospital i am covered in my baby's blood i am pinching this line with my nails trying too keep any more blood from comming out
"omg he is going too bleed out"
"or we are going too crash"
my hubby is flying down the road but it feels like it is taking forever.....
we get there they fix him the best they could for us too get too the other hospital
they fix it but cant take the line out tell us too watch it close
"omg will these every stop these heart stopping moments"........
Well they have he is now 2 he is walking and taking and doing great....
we still have our moments but nothing like these i have wrote about.... when he gets a cold or anything we always panic.. wondering if it is going too turn into more. We have gohne thru this test and that they have looked for this and that but pretty much these days he is a pretty healthy normal kid.
:) so there is another piece of our story..... of Timothy's story.........

So there you have it..... there is the medical side of Timothy's story.... Now too move on next time too all the fun parts of my crazy life.......... thank you all for reading this it is really helpping me deal with the stress of it all i have been caring around for the past few years.....

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