Friday, January 27, 2012

11 years ago......

So it's been a few days i guess i need too let my brain catch up on its self. LOL....
So hubby is home and we are getting everything ready for an 11 year old girls birthday party let me tell you this is a tough age when it comes too a girl.... Everything must be perfect..... and let me tell ya things in my life are NEVER "perfect"
Cake is bought and its all 60's out. Complete with  a VW bug toy car on top, green and yellow and pink frosting, and peace signs all over it.
the 60 some odd hotdogs are here also, the only thing i am lacking is entertainment what do 11 year old girls do????
talk about boys :(
giggle alot
i mean what can you turn into a party game that is approprite for them too be doping out of that???
so i have desided i am sending all the kids out in the frount yard till the "party" part is over then the girls that are staying the night can play movies and giggle about what boys they think are "cute".
Being a mom of an almost teenage girl makes me cringe.
 I know how i was at that age....
OMG so scary.....
I was a wild one even at the young age opf 11 trying too fit in ment not fitting in at all for me...
Sierra seems too be handling the pressure of fitting alot better then i ever did tho so maybe..... just maybe she will stay on course and not end up hooked on drug and pregnant by 15!!!!! maybe she will go too collage and be something wonderful.
or maybe she wont either way she is mine and i love her with all my heart and 11 years ago i found out what it was like too love someone you just met with you whole heart i found out what being a mother felt like for the first time and i also started walking that line of adult hood and childhood....
She brought me understanding for what my mom was going thru not that i changed right away it took me another few yeas too pull my head out of where the "sun doesnt shine" but thats another story for another time.
My point is 11 years ago i got the best gife a woman can ask for....
My baby girl and no matter how old she is or how much she slams the door yelling "i hate you" she will always be my baby girl... I love you Sierra even if that embarresses you!!!!


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